I spent last week in Paris. My previous trips to Paris have been to attend conferences, which usually leaves very little time to see the sights. This time the purpose of my trip was to experience the city. I’ve put up some of the pictures I snapped. If you like Chinese food, I recommend La Couronne D’or. The food was great and they had a hilarious waiter that was straight out of The Party. “La Cantatrice Chauve” at Théâtre de la Huchette was great fun!

La Huchette is a small theater in the Latin Quarter that has presented Ionesco’s first two plays without interruption since 1957. Eugene Ionesco was 32 years old when he left his native country Romania in order to establish life with his family in Paris. Six years later, La Cantatrice Chauve (“The Bald Soprano”), his first play - or his first anti-play as he called it - was performed for the first time. La Cantatrice Chauve, whose source of inspiration is in part the author’s experience with foreign language textbooks, is not only a satire of the superficiality and incommunicability of a society frozen in meaningless formalities, but also an inquiry into the meaning of theater in a society turned upside-down by World War II.